A successful Noise Impact Assessment by OSM Environmental Consulting has led to planning approval for our client redeveloping an existing building into an elderly care facility.

UK Mainland’s Most Northerly Town Gets OSM Noise and Odour Assessments
OSM Environmental Consulting have recently completed a Noise Impact Assessment and Odour Impact Assessment in Thurso, the most northerly town of the British Mainland.
The proposals are seeking to redevelop a guest house to include a bar and restaurant and to allow for the sale and consumption of alcohol and food to non-residents.
The development is a listed building located beside several houses, leading Environmental Health to flag concerns that potential noise and odour from the proposed redevelopment could negatively impact the existing residents in the area. These concerns must be proven to be non-issues before planning approval is granted.
In order to progress the planning permission on behalf of our client, the OSM team travelled to Scotland to survey the baseline conditions in person and determine the potential impact of the proposed redevelopment on the surrounding properties.
From this, we were able to predict and report back on the resulting noise levels at the adjacent residential houses once the proposed guesthouse and bar is up and running.
To conduct our Odour Impact Assessment, the OSM team applied a source-pathway-receptor concept. This considers any potential odour generated as a result of this redevelopment (source), as well as the prevailing wind direction (pathway) in relation to the locations and distances of the existing residents (receptors) and sensitivity to the type of odour in question.
In order to achieve a successful outcome for the planning application, we advised our client (as well as their planners and architects) on how to reduce the negative aspects of noise and odour resulting from the proposed redevelopment, as pinpointed by our on-site assessment.
Our Noise Impact Assessment and Odour Impact Assessment recommended specific and achievable measures which should be undertaken to ensure that existing residential properties in the vicinity of the site would not be unduly affected by noise or odour, meaning a sustainable development that is in harmony with the site’s neighbours.
If you require any Noise Impact Assessments or Odour Impact Assessments in the UK, Northern Ireland or Republic of Ireland, get in contact with a member of the OSM Team today.
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